Published Mar 28, 2024
Where We Left Off with Star Trek: Discovery
Here's a quick refresher before Discovery returns with Season 5 on April 4!
returns with its fifth and final season on April 4, and the series’ highly-anticipated conclusion promises a tale filled with adventure, intrigue, and a quest for an ancient power.
As we stand ready to reunite with Captain Burnham and the U.S.S. Discovery-A, let’s refresh our memories about each crew member’s journey through Season 4 and look back on where we left off with them at the end of last season.
Captain Michael Burnham

"Coming Home"
When the endangered a resurgent Federation and the galaxy as a whole, it also jeopardized the loving relationship that Captain Michael Burnham and Cleveland "Book" Booker had forged. Though her diplomatic approach to first contact with the DMA's creators put her at odds with Book, Captain Burnham successfully uncovered the cultural context necessary to communicate with the enigmatic and convinced them to halt their destructive mining efforts.
Initially believing her partner — her "one" — had been killed in the encounter, Burnham was elated to learn the 10-C revealed that they had rescued Book before his ship had been destroyed. A practical matter cut their rejuvenated joy short, as Burnham was forced to part with Book when the Federation sentenced him for violating numerous statutes. The captain resolved to see him again before turning to witness a momentous announcement — United Earth and Titan planned to rejoin the Federation. Having solved , overcome the DMA, and brought the galaxy closer, Captain Burnham expressed optimism and hoped to focus on exploring the stars.

"Coming Home"
During his leave from Discovery, Captain Saru guided Su’Kal on his return to their homeworld and encouraged the Kaminar High Council to embrace a return to its spacefaring ways. However, the threat posed by the DMA motivated him to go back to Starfleet and serve as Captain Burnham’s Number One. His steadfast support proved vital, and his regular presence aboard Discovery and at Federation Headquarters provided him with a chance to get better acquainted with Ni'Var's President T'Rina.
Saru played instrumental roles in bringing Ni’Var back into the Federation fold and establishing a meaningful dialogue with Species 10-C, and — by the time the crisis had been averted — he was finally prepared to let T’Rina know how he felt. As they both realized how much they meant to one another, Captain Saru and President T’Rina opted to begin spending their off-duty hours together, leaving many to wonder what the future may hold for their relationship.
Paul Stamets
Though much of his attention was dedicated to unraveling the mysteries behind the DMA, Commander Paul Stamets also navigated a series of interpersonal eddies that included opening up to Book about nearly losing his own family on the dilithium planet, collaborating with Tarka, confronting his uncertainty over trusting Zora, and showing concern for Dr. Hugh Culber's growing anxieties. Stamets strengthened his parental bond with Adira, as the two worked in tandem to bring Discovery through the Galactic Barrier and to the 10-C's hyperfield.
When the 10-C entrapped Discovery in an orb, Stamets developed a strategy to break the ship free that temporarily burned out the spore drive. As Captain Burnham stood before the 10-C to present her case, the astromycologist employed his research into the hydrocarbons obtained from the 10-C's original homeworld and oversaw the communication process from Engineering. Once a peaceful resolution was achieved, Stamets pivoted to personal matters. Having recognized signs of exhaustion and stress in Dr. Culber throughout the pursuit of the DMA, Stamets planned a much-needed retreat for the couple on Earth that would involve rest, relaxation, and non-replicated mavi.
Sylvia Tilly
Experiencing doubts about her path forward, Lieutenant Sylvia Tilly bravely asked Dr. Culber to counsel her in a professional capacity. Confident she needed to leave her comfort zone, Tilly embarked on missions to capture a Qowat Milat operative and accompany Starfleet Academy cadets on a routine survey. The latter undertaking proved fateful, as helping future Starfleet officers through a deadly trial led her to accept Dr. Kovich's offer to leave Discovery and become an instructor at the Academy.
As Discovery tried to converse with Species 10-C, Tilly joined Admiral Charles Vance in a last-minute struggle to evacuate as many people as possible from United Earth before the DMA could devastate the planet. She entrusted the admiral with the fact that she had found her purpose in life, ultimately sharing a grateful drink with Vance upon learning that the DMA no longer posed a threat to Earth. Tilly gathered with her friends at a celebration aboard Discovery, beaming at the sight of the progress Adira had made with social interactions.
Dr. Hugh Culber

"The Galactic Barrier"
While his medical training typically involved a cursory assessment of his patients’ psychiatric wellbeing, Dr. Hugh Culber added being a full-fledged "ship’s counselor" to his extensive repertoire in the wake of Discovery's jump into the 32nd Century. In-between missions, Culber sat in sessions with Book and Tilly to discuss their mental health concerns and shepherded Adira through Gray's incorporation, but the overwhelming burden of counseling evacuees from an Akaali asteroid colony caused him to recognize that he had his own issues to explore.
Discovery's voyage into extragalactic space afforded Culber a chance to visit an old 10-C nursery, where the species' emotion-inducing hydrocarbons propelled him to acknowledge that he was "not okay." Subsequently, his eyes opened by Captain Burnham’s pain when she believed she had lost Book at the 10-C's new homeworld, Culber chose to remain with Stamets and Adira — his family — as the crew departed to engage directly with Species 10-C. Upon their triumphant return to Federation Headquarters, Culber conveyed his thanks to Stamets for arranging a tranquil vacation to Earth.
Cleveland "Book" Booker

"Stormy Weather"
The 32nd Century courier known as Cleveland "Book" Booker thrived on his love for Captain Burnham and a newfound relationship with his family, but the DMA's arrival erased Kwejian from existence and took the lives of his brother and nephew. Book wrestled with his grief and guilt, eventually growing dissatisfied with the Federation's policies and allying himself with Ruon Tarka. Despite the fissure he created by aiding Tarka in his theft of the next generation spore drive and the deployment of an isolytic weapon, Book maintained faith in Burnham's leadership abilities.
At Species 10-C's hyperfield, an imprisoned Jett Reno broke through to Book and emphasized Tarka's illogical rationale. Tarka locked Book out of the autopilot, so General Ndoye crashed a shuttle into the ship to prevent it from reaching the DMA's power source. Book’s signal disappeared mid-transport, leading Burnham to believe he died when his shuttle struck the hyperfield. Fortunately, the 10-C recovered his pattern and materialized the courier in front of an appreciative Burnham. Book recounted the destruction of Kwejian to the 10-C, convincing them to cease using the DMA altogether. Sentenced to help families displaced by the DMA, Book said farewell to Burnham with the Kwejian phrase Kwakoni Yiquan — indicating his intention to speak with her soon and reaffirming his love for her.
Adira Tal

"Coming Home"
As an official member of Discovery's crew, Ensign Adira Tal accompanied Gray as their partner was incorporated into a synth body, but their skepticism in regard to meeting new people and opening up to fresh experiences persisted. Being stranded on a frozen moon alongside cadets helped break the ice, but Adira endured another social hiccup when Gray decided to leave the ship and study on Trill. The ensign shared their doubts with Jett Reno, who encouraged Adira's interest in befriending Lt. Commander Detmer.
Mustering the courage to chat with Detmer benefited Adira on a personal level, but Discovery's venture into extragalactic space saw them excel in a scientific capacity alongside Stamets in Engineering. They participated in devising a way to use the spore drive to break free of the orb in Species 10-C's hyperfield and transmitted an update language algorithm so Captain Burnham could converse with the 10-C. Once back at Federation Headquarters, Adira's social skills impressed Tilly at the party commemorating Discovery's diplomatic victory, though the ensign admitted that socializing was still difficult on occasion.
The Future Frontier

"Coming Home"
Replenished dilithium supplies and an emboldened Federation granted Season 4's early moments with a buoyant tone, but the DMA's arrival threw the circumstances — both personal and political — into a state of chaos. Nevertheless, with that peril behind them, Discovery's crew ended last season on a high-note and managed to become even more tightly knit.
How will Captain Burnham and her colleagues handle their next monumental task? We’ll find out when Season 5 premieres on April 4!