Published Jul 27, 2021
Below Deck with Lower Decks: Reaching Across the Bridge for Friendship
Tawny Newsome, Eugene Cordero, and Jerry O'Connell share their dream Star Trek drinking buddy.
Let’s face it: when it comes to Star Trek, we fans all have one character from any of the series that we’d love to hang out with. Be it a character who inspired us, or one we think would be fun to grab a drink with — or even multiple characters who we’d want to invite to a dinner party — we’ve all got a favorite.
But who would the Lower Decks crew want to hang out with most, if given the opportunity to take some leave from the Cerritos? had the chance to ask cast members Tawny Newsome, Eugene Cordero, and Jerry O’Connell who their characters would most like to hang out with from the Star Trek ‘verse.
Tawny Newsome (Ensign Mariner)
”I probably have to say Guinan, just because I think hanging out with Guinan now would just be hanging out with Whoopi Goldberg, so I think that's who I'd want.”
Star Trek Day 2020 | Tawny Newsome's Favorite Parts Of Lower Decks Include Jack Ransom
Eugene Cordero (Ensign Rutherford)
“I feel like if it was Rutherford and Tendi together, they would be stage door fans of anybody that walked through those doors. They would go crazy, be too loud, probably be shushed out of there and told to quiet down, and then boldly walk up to them and say hello and ask to get, I don't know, their wrists signed. I don't know, what would you get signed? But I think Rutherford also is like a big Geordi guy. It'd be like meeting a superhero in person.”
Jerry O’Connell (Commander Ransom)
“Riker. Riker and Ransom will teach Wesley to party, don't worry. We'll have a good old time.”
Who would you pick as your dream Star Trek character to meet at the ship’s bar for a drink? Let us know in the comments, and in the meantime, catch up on Star Trek: Lower Decks before the season two premiere!
Mid-Season Trailer | Star Trek: Lower Decks - Season 1