Published Sep 28, 2020
Star Trek: The Pod Directive — Red Shirt Table Talk With Michelle Hurd
Michelle Hurd, Angelica Jade Bastién, and Kendra James join Tawny Newsome for this week's pod.
When Tawny Newsome first jokingly refered to this episode as 'Red Shirt Table Talk,' we laughed. But, if these past few months — and most certainly the last week — have reminded us of anything, it is how important it Is that we acknowledge that the lives of Black people matter. Especially the lives of Black women, which often feel as though they are especially disposable. America's very own Red Shirts.
And so, in this episode, Tawny is joined by Michelle Hurd (Raffi, Star Trek: Picard), Angelica Jade Bastién (Staff Writer, Vulture), and Kendra James (Managing Editor, In this hour long conversation covering everything from Michael Burnham’s season three braids, to what a society like Earth under the Federation would mean for Black, and other people of color, our panelists ask listeners to consider the weight of Black stories, Black culture, and Black lives in the Star Trek universe.
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Show Notes and Further Reading:
- Professor Lawrence Ware muses on the place of The Talk and Black people in love on Deep Space Nine.
- Over in Camaroon, one fan came to Star Trek later in life, but it still made a world of impact.
- The bond between Ben and Jake Sisko is a universal one, going beyond the barriers of race.
- The Black Tribbles are three Star Trek fans with a mission.
- Nichelle Nichols tells the story of how Dr. Martin Luther King convinced her to continue boldly going.
My First Contact: Kendra James
Star Trek: The Pod Directive is the official Star Trek podcast. Subscribe to Star Trek: The Pod Directiveon Apple Podcasts, Spotify and all major podcast platforms.