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Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Premieres

Here's everything we know about the new season.

Moments of Star Trek: Discovery: One Giant Leap

It's been 545 days since the final episode of Star Trek: Discovery season 2 aired, and we watched our crew vanish into the future. Ironically, in the time that passed, our own futures became just as twisty and unknown as the U.S.S. Discovery's! With so much going on, is here to make sure you're caught up with everything that's gone down in the first two seasons of Discovery, and ready for what's to come in 3188.

Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 key art

FIRST: Watch Every Season 3 Trailer!

The First Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 Trailer has Arrived

Trailer | Star Trek: Discovery - Season 3

Then: Refresh Your Discovery Memories In Print...

Star Trek: Discovery - Sonequa Martin-Green

"Unable to destroy data that can have deadly consequences in the wrong hands, Michael decides to do the next best thing in “Such Sweet Sorrow, Part 1”: travel to the future with the Discovery to get rid of it. Perhaps it’s because she feels the mission is her destiny, or perhaps it’s the selflessness that Georgiou calls a “character flaw,” but Michael never wavers even when she realizes she won’t be able to return. Luckily her friends and crewmates decide to take the journey with her, and we get to see what happens to them in Star Trek: Discovery season 3."Michael Burnham's Most Badass Moments

Star Trek: Discovery

"But in Discovery’s second season, Saru loses his ganglia — and, along with them, his anxiety. “What is a Kelpien without fear?” he wonders. “I am losing the very thing that defines me.” Thanks to Doug Jones’ fantastic performance, one of the joys of Discovery’s second season —especially for those of us with anxiety — is accompanying Saru as he discovers he’s bolder than he could have possibly expected. Another joy? When Saru discovers his threat ganglia have been replaced with weaponized ear-flaps that shoot spikes at bad guys! Now I’m not officially a doctor, but I’d say that’s a pretty good trade." — Our Favorite Moments from Season 2 of Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek: Discovery - Tilly

"'I was a weird kid,' says Tilly to Stamets in Discovery’s Season 2 episode, 'An Obol for Charon.' 'Not a lot of friends. Nobody who really believed in me, including me.' ... Tilly’s moment in 'Obol' was unusual because it was not an emotionally weighty scene. This wasn’t like Michael dealing with Georgiou’s death or the bittersweet reunion of Stamets and Culber. Tilly is simply explaining to Stamets the context behind the spore alien who has taken the form of her childhood friend, May. And yet, as I watched it, I felt a wave of emotion hit me in the chest. I started to cry."The Tilly Moment

Star Trek: Discovery

"The Star Trek universe’s first non-binary character is Adira, played by Blu del Barrio. Adira is highly intelligent, with a confidence and self-assurance well beyond their years. They will find a new home on the U.S.S. Discovery and form an unexpected bond with Lt. Commander Paul Stamets (Anthony Rapp) and Dr. Hugh Culber (Wilson Cruz). The first transgender character is Gray, portrayed by Ian Alexander. Gray is empathetic, warm and eager to fulfill his lifelong dream of being a Trill host, but he will have to adapt when his life takes an unexpected turn." — Star Trek: Discovery Introduces First Transgender and Non-Binary Characters

Star Trek Universe

"While the period between Discovery’s second and third seasons is nearly 1,000 years, previous Star Trek films and TV series have already filled in some of that gap. We may not know everything that happened in that time, but we do have some idea of how things played out over the centuries. But first, let’s catch up with a few key figures that Discovery left behind." — What Awaits Discovery in the 32nd Century?

...And On Screen!

Star Trek: Discovery Character Recap — Ensign Sylvia Tilly

A Star Trek: Discovery Character Recap — Commander Saru

A Star Trek: Discovery Character Recap — Hugh Culber

A Star Trek: Discovery Character Recap — Paul Stamets

A Star Trek: Discovery Character Recap — Philippa Georgiou

A Star Trek: Discovery Character Recap — Commander Michael Burnham

Next: Catch Up With the Cast, Old and New...

David Ajala Talks Star Trek: Discovery at NYCC

Sonequa Martin-Green Welcomes David Ajala to Star Trek: Discovery

Star Trek Day 2020 | Discovery Panel

FINALLY: Look Again — Don't Miss Any Season 3 Clues

Star Trek: Discovery streams on Paramount+ in the United States, airs on Bell Media’s CTV Sci-Fi Channel and streams on Crave in Canada, and on Netflix in 190 countries.