Published May 13, 2014
"These Are the Voyages..." Nine Years Later
"These Are the Voyages..." Nine Years Later

Star Trek: Enterprise ended its abbreviated, four-year run on May 13, 2005, and it did so with "These Are the Voyages...," without question the most controversial of the Star Trek series finales. Enterprise closed out much of its business in the two episodes before it and, in fact, most fans believe "Demons" and "Terra Prime" represent the show's true finale. However, there's no denying the existence of "These Are the Voyages..."So, why all the ruckus over "These Are the Voyages..." Where to begin? First, it was the only Trek series finale -- not including TOS, as that show merely ended, and The Animated Series -- that didn't close with a two-hour finale. An hour simply didn't seem to do the show justice.
-- The Archer-T'Pol embrace was the final scene filmed, and Jolene Blalock and Scott Bakula shot it on March 5, 2005, Blalock's 30th birthday.-- Many members of the Enterprise writing and production team appeared as extras during the Earth Starfleet ceremony sequence, among them Manny Coto, Doug Drexler, Andre Bormanis, Larry Nemecek, Judith and Garfield Reeves-Stevens, and Dave Rossi.-- Allan Kroeker, who directed "These Are the Voyages...," had previously directed the finales of both Deep Space Nine and Voyager.So, what are YOUR thoughts about "These Are the Voyages...?"