Published Dec 1, 2015
Star Trek Vault: TNG "Farpoint" Promo Video
Star Trek Vault: TNG "Farpoint" Promo Video has once again dug into our Star Trek Vault, which is loaded with memorabilia, collectibles and old publicity materials. And for this month's visit we pulled out the VHS video -- yes videotape!! -- of the Star Trek: The Next Generation pilot, "Encounter at Farpoint." This video isn't the one sent to journalists in advance of the show's debut in 1987, but rather the one that was sent to writers a few yeas later to promote the show's upcoming arrival on VHS.
The video is still in its original shrink wrap and, as you can see, a sticker on the package notes that "Pre-sell demand for these videotapes has been out-of-this-world!" And, as we now near the 50th anniversary of the franchise, it's amusing to point out the the sticker also stresses that "1991 marks the 25th anniversary of Star Trek."
In case anyone is wondering, we poked around the Internet and found someone selling a similar video for $40. That one, however, has the shrink wrap removed, suggesting the video was actually watched. Our unopened package, with a new-used video is worth significantly more, though it's not for sale.