Published Jul 22, 2022
RECAP: Star Trek in San Diego - Day One
Everything you need to know from Day One of SDCC!
Welcome to San Diego, Star Trek fans! We’re recapping every awesome moment of this four day celebration so you can easily find the best Trek related content. Excited to find out what happened Thursday, July 21? Read on!

Get ready for a bold new comic series from IDW. Launching in October, Star Trek #1 will follow a crew composed of fan favorites, and captained by none other than Benjamin Sisko, returned from his time with the Bajoran prophets. Aided by Dr. Beverly Crusher and Data, as well as several new characters and a few more returning favorites, can Sisko stop a new and powerful threat? We’ll have to read on to see! Learn more about the series and look at some of the artwork here.
If you're reminiscing about the day, check out our gallery below for more memories and moments from yesterday's events! From cosplays to the meeting of two Kirks to all the coolest merch, we've collected it all.
This post will be updated throughout the day – check back for more moments from yesterday, and keep an eye on the site for more Star Trek news and announcements!
Stay tuned to for more details! And be sure to follow @StarTrek on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.