Published Nov 17, 2015
Kirk, Spock, Borg, Enterprise & More In Action in IDW's Upcoming Comics
Kirk, Spock, Borg, Enterprise & More In Action in IDW's Upcoming Comics has a double dose of IDW Publishing news and First Looks to share. IDW will release four new Trek comics on Wednesay, and we've got the details. And we're pleased to reveal IDW's Trek titles for February 2016 and to give you sneak peeks at their covers.Up first are the books due out on Wednesday. There's Star Trek #51—Five-Year Mission, written by Mike Johnson, with art and cover by Tony Shasteen. In the second installment of this two-parter, the Mirror Universe epic continues as the evil counterparts of the Enterprise crew gain the upper hand. Captain Kirk finds himself allied with the mysterious man known only as Singh, while Spock comes face to face with his deceased mother... now alive and well in the Mirror Universe. Star Trek #51 runs 32 pages and costs $3.99.
Also out on Wednesday is Star Trek/Green Lantern #5 (of 6), written by Mike Johnson, with art by Angel Hernandez and David Williams handling the cover. In it, the galactic civil war reaches a critical point as the Yellow Lantern Klingons, Orange Lantern Romulans and Red Lantern Gorn fight for supremacy, with Hal Jordan, James T. Kirk and the crew of the Enterprise caught in the middle. It's a dark night for the Federation... and the arrival of Nekron and his Black Lanterns will only make things worse. The book runs 32 pages and costs $3.99. Fans should be on the lookout for two variant covers, one by Garry Brown that's part of the six (one per issue) that will form a single giant image) and one by Rat Queens artists Tess Fowler.
Lastly for Wednesday, there's Star Trek: Gold Key Archives, Vol. 4, with stories by Arnold Drake, John David Warner and Gerry Boudreau, art by Alberto Giolitti and Sal Trapani, and a cover by Michael Stribling. Vol. 4 boldly goes… where it all started. Presenting the first comic book adventures of the U.S.S. Enterprise and her crew. Fully remastered with new colors, Vol. 4 collects issues #19–24, including the stories "The Haunted Asteroid," "A World Gone Mad," "The Mummies of Heitus VII," "Siege in Superspace," "Child's Play" and "The Trial of Captain Kirk." Vol. 4 runs 164 pages and costs $29.99.
Looking ahead to February, fans can expect to see Star Trek: New Visions, Vol. 3. It's written by John Byrne, who's also contributed his photomanipulation skills to render the art and cover. Set in the TOS universe, Vol. 3 collects the stories “Resistance,” featuring The Borg; “1971” where Captain Kirk is sent 200 years into the past to meet Gary Seven; and “The Survival Equation” as killer androids start showing up by the dozen. Spanning issues #6–8, Vol. 3 will run 136 pages and cost $19.99.
Out in February as well will be be Star Trek #54—Five-Year Mission, written by Mike Johnson, featuring art and a cover by Tony Shasteen. In it, galactic peace hangs in the balance as the Enterprise crew battles a renegade Orion faction... and faces betrayal from within. Don't miss the conclusion of this all-new story as events continue to unfold in the lead up to the release of the newest blockbuster Star Trek movie next summer. It will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Fans should be on the lookout for a Valentine’s Day Card Cover Variant by Derek Charm.
And on deck is Star Trek: Starfleet Academy #3 (of 5). The ubiquitous Mike Johnson is the writer, joined by Ryan Parrott, while Derek Charm provides the art and cover. The all-new Star Trek miniseries continues here, as Uhura and Kirk draw closer to uncovering the truth surrounding a century-old mystery. Meanwhile, T'Laan and the new cadets find themselves on the brink of elimination from the Centennial Competition. The issue will run 32 pages and cost $3.99. Starfleet Academy #3 Subscription Variants will feature covers by Paulina Ganucheau and Adam Rosenlunc.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. Keep an eye on for additional details about the IDW's upcoming Star Trek adventures, as well as exclusive First Looks at covers and preview pages.