Published May 14, 2014
FIRST LOOK: Attack Wing 5 D'Kyr Expansion Pack
FIRST LOOK: Attack Wing 5 D'Kyr Expansion Pack

NECA/WizKids will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 5 in June, and has exclusive First Looks at the upcoming trio of ships, which we'll showcase one per day for the next three days. Today, we will look at the introduction of the Vulcan faction into Star Trek: Attack Wing with the release of the D’Kyr Expansion Pack. The named version of the D’Kyr class has a special ability to gain +1 attack die when attacking at range 3. With its 180-degree front firing arc, this will give it a wide variety of ships to target. When using Soval as captain, a player will be able to remove a Scan or a Battle Station token from an opposing ship within range 1 or two while Tavek increases the ability to man your ship by adding a Crew upgrade slot to your action bar.