Published Jun 26, 2013
Enter A Trek T-shirt Design Contest!
Enter A Trek T-shirt Design Contest!

Missed your chance last year to design a Star Trek-themed tee-shirt? Lucky for you, here’s your second chance – and you could win some money, too. Mighty Fine is sponsoring the WeLoveFine.comStar Trek Tee Design Contest, welcoming Trek fans 18 and older to submit designs that, according to the rules, “must be original, creative and with artistic merit,” and, of course, capture the essence of Star Trek. and Trek's very own Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge, Levar Burton, will be among the guest judges this year!
The contest will start today and run through August 6, 2013. WeLoveFine will select 7 winners. The Grand Prize winner will receive up to $2,500, while two winners of the Guest Judge’s Pick Prizes will receive $400.’s pick will receive $400 AND the design will be available exclusively at the Shop! Three runner up’s will receive $150. Also, all winning designs will be put into consideration for printing.
Click HERE to enter the contest. Each applicant may submit up to five entries. And keep an eye on for details about the winning submissions, which will be announced September 24, 2013.