Published Apr 28, 2011
Do You Have the Guts to Play Klingon Monopoly?
Do You Have the Guts to Play Klingon Monopoly?

OK, so Monopoly is your favorite board game and the Klingons are your favorite Star Trek alien. Well, what if we told you that someone’s gone and merged the two to create Monopoly: Klingon Collector’s Edition?
Yes, it’s as cool as it sounds. Monopoly: Klingon Collector’s Edition – which will be available later this year from USAopoly – features a bi-lingual game board, with six collectible tokens, and 22 planets and territories ready to be conquered by the Klingons. And pretty much everything has been given a Klingon spin: Boardwalk is Kronos, Park Place is Khitomer, Green properties are Boreth, Ty’Gokor and Krios Prime, and so on. Community Chest is now Combat, Chance is now Honor and if you land on what used to be Luxury Tax, you lose a battle to Starfleet. Oh, and houses are renamed Outposts, while hotels are now Capitals. Game play, of course, will resemble that of the traditional Monopoly, and there will also be a 60-minute speed-play option.
Even better, not all of the elements of Monopoly: Klingon Collector’s Edition are set in stone yet. Starting today, you -- the fans -- will be able to vote on the official Star Trek Facebook page for your favorite box top image (choices seen above and to the left), with the winning image becoming the box top when the game is manufactured. And in the coming months, fans will be able to vote for other game elements as well.