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Celebrating The Ships of The Line: NCC-1000

Celebrating The Ships of The Line: NCC-1000 is celebrating the Ships of the Line, taking a closer look at a Trek starship each week from now until the end of the year -- and today we shine the spotlight on the NCC-1000. Now, this one you may not recognize, as it's a true deep cut. The NCC-1000 was part of the post-NX-class series, the Bonaventure-class.

So, in what show or movie did she appear? None, actually. The NCC-1000 appeared once -- and only once -- and she did so in the Ships of the Line calendar in 2006. Rendered by the artist Meni, the NCC-1000 was accompanied by the words "Starfleet Proving Grounds" in that calender. The same image also turned up in the Ships of the Line hardcover book released in late 2006, and was included in the Star Trek: Enterprise section of the book. According to the text by Mike Okuda, it was a major step up from the NX-class. She likely served from the first days of the Federation (late 22nd century) until the Constitution-class entered services in the early 23rd century.

The latest in the bestselling Ships of the Line calendar series is available now; visit to purchase the 2015 Ships of the Line calendar. And if you're an artist or designer, be sure to enter the Ships of the Line Design Contest, under way now, for a chance to have your art featured in the 2016 Ships of the Line calendar. Click HERE to enter.