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Published Apr 5, 2011

First Look: Star Trek Battlestations Community Gaming

A first look at the new community slots game, Star Trek Battlestations, from WMS.

Captain Kirk always had Spock, Dr. McCoy, Scotty and the rest of the Enterprise crew by his side when he entered into battle. Now, with the advent of Star Trek Battlestations, from WMS, you can have fellow slot players by your side as you engage in community gaming, Star Trek-style. Check out the video above and the photos to the left in our exclusive First Look and read on for additional details.

For those unfamiliar with community gaming, it means that several people can play together at once for a common cause: winning as an alliance and enjoying a sense of camaraderie in the process. Battlestations envelops up to four players simultaneously in the universe of the original Star Trek series, with photographs, music, sound effects and video from TOS episodes. That’s complemented by new, state-of-the-art graphics, and it’s all brought to life before your eyes – on several screens, including two 52-inch LCD monitors -- and ears as you build the ships in your fleet in advance of a battle against a hostile Klingon force.

Upping the cool ante, each person sits in his or her own BOSE surround-sound gaming chair, which allows players to not only see and hear the bonus-round excitement, but to literally feel it. Feel it? Yes, the chair vibrates when your ship takes a hit from your Klingon enemy (and in other situations, too).

WMS will start shipping Star Trek Battlestations soon. And you’ll find it in casinos across the galaxy, er, world, in late May.

Look for future updates about the game on and the official WMS Facebook page.