Published Oct 21, 2013
Win Cool Prizes in Eaglemoss Collection Video Competition
Win Cool Prizes in Eaglemoss Collection Video Competition

Eaglemoss Collections, earlier this month, began releasing the Star Trek Starships Collection, its set of 65-plus high-quality, die-cast model Star Trek ships at a rate of one every two weeks, and now Eaglemoss has just announced a competition that challenges fans to recreate 15-second (or less) versions of their favorite scenes from Star Trek, using Instagram Video to do so. The first scene fans can recreate is the classic “I’m Kirk!” sequence from The Original Series episode “The Enemy Within.” Each week of the competition, Eaglemoss will reveal a new theme via the Star Trek Starships Facebook Page, and fans will have a full week in which to submit entries. Entries can NOT use video footage, animations, music or images from any Star Trek shows or movies -- but you, your friends and pets, as well as puppets, figures and animation of your creation are all fair game.
Prizes will be awarded each week. Third prize will be a custom-made Star Trek poster. Second place will be a custom-made Star Trek poster and a piece of Star Trek merchandise from the official store. And first place will be the custom-made poster, a piece of Star Trek merchandise from the official store and a free subscription to the Star Trek Starships Collection.
The competition, open to fans in the U.K. and U.S., begins today and will run until midnight GMT on November 18. Click HERE for additional details.