Published Dec 31, 2012
What's YOUR Trek-centric New Year's Resolution?
What's YOUR Trek-centric New Year's Resolution?

Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! We thought we’d devote at least one story today to the occasion and, to do so, we’re going to share some of the “Treksolutions” you and your fellow Star Trek fans posted on our Facebook page. So, here goes:
“See the new film in my ST2 uniform.” – Darren Keady
“To go to the Trek convention in Vegas in August!” – Robert Downs
“Get my wife hooked on Star Trek.” – Matthew Rich“I will live well, laugh much, love lots, hang out more with my Trek club friends, and prosper!” – Eileen Johnson“See Into Darkness at least once opening weekend!” – Mickey Ford“To be more like Spock, ruled more by logic and less by emotion.” -- Karlene H. Kerr“Live long and prosper.” – Mark Sabatelli“Get all seasons of Enterprise on Blu-ray if I could.” – Josh Buennemeyer“I wish to become more patient with people.” – Emil Altan Aktik“To grow pointy ears.” – Teresa Adams“Visit a Star Trek convention” -- Enrique Pascual “Consult my inner Spock at least once a day. Be more logical and watch the new Star Trek movie on the premiere day.” – Gabriela Martinsen“To watch more Trek, of course!” – Eve BouchardAnd our favorites:“Hang with green chicks.” – Kyle C. BoosAnd…“To post a comment on Star Trek Facebook page.” – Charles David RileySo, what's YOUR Trek-resolution for 2013?