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What Was Your Favorite Trek Thing In 2012?

What Was Your Favorite Trek Thing In 2012?

What your favorite Trek thing in 2012? That was our poll question last week, and the results are in. “TNG on Blu-ray” won with 28% of the vote, beating out “5 Captains at Destination Star Trek London,” which tallied 23% and “Walter Koenig’s Hollywood Star,” which beamed up 19%. Rounding out the poll were “Google Doodle” with 17%, “TNG and Doctor Who Crossover” with 10% and PADD App with 4%.

TNG on Blu-ray- 28%

Five Captains at DSTL- 23%

Koenig's Star- 19%

Google Doodle- 17%

Dr. Who and TNG Crossover- 10%

PADD App- 4%

So, in case you didn’t vote, what was YOUR favorite Trek thing of 2012?