Published Feb 8, 2013
Video Honors Legendary Star Trek Designer
Video Honors Legendary Star Trek Designer

Legendary Star Trek designer Herman Zimmerman was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award during the 17th Art Directors Guild Awards held on February 2 at the Beverly Hills Hotel. Zimmerman was unable to attend due to illness, but those on hand were treated to a tribute video assembled by Roger Lay and Rob Burnett, with former Star Trek: Enterprisestar Scott Bakula introducing the award.
“Mike and Denise Okuda were really instrumental in letting the Art Directors Guild know that we were the right people for this task,” Lay told “When the Guild asked us to put it together, we knew we had to do something unique and deeply emotional, rather than just a typical awards show clip reel. We felt it was appropriate to have Herman look back on his amazing career and to also include his friends and colleagues in honoring him.“It's just great that we're in the middle of this ongoing process to produce the TNG and Enterprise Blu-rays because we spend a great deal of time with the Trek family during production of the special features,” Lay continued. “So when we told many of them about Herman's ADG award, they quickly jumped at the opportunity to go on camera and share their thoughts on his work. I think the most special part of the video is when members of Herman's art department -- like the Okudas and Doug Drexler -- share their heartfelt stories of Herman and his work ethic. You can really tell they love the man and it's especially sweet to see Denise thank him for introducing her to her husband Mike.“The ceremony was a real blast,” Lay concluded. “And it was a true honor to have been there and done our part to honor a man whose work has inspired and enriched our lives for so many years.”
And on behalf of everyone at, congrats Herman.