Published Jul 31, 2016
Vacationers on Risa Most Likely To...
Vacationers on Risa Most Likely To...

If you could vacation to the planet Risa, what would you do? That was the question we asked for our latest poll of readers, and the participating could choose from the following activities: Swim in Suraya Bay, climb Cliff Galartha, relax in the Risan steam pools, visit a nightclub or visit the subterranean gardens. More than 3,000 fans voted, and here are the results:
Relax in the Risan steam pools (37%)
Swim in Suraya Bay (22%)
Visit the subterranean gardens (21%)
Visit a nightclub (15%)
Climb Cliff Galartha (5%)
And will most other fans be sharing YOUR Risan vacation activity?