Published May 17, 2016
Trinneer, Montgomery, Keating & Billingsley Beaming to Mission New York
Trinneer, Montgomery, Keating & Billingsley Beaming to Mission New York
William Shatner, Jonathan Frakes, Marina Sirtis, LeVar Burton, Terry Farrell, Michael Dorn, Gates McFadden, Robin Curtis and Phil "The Bad Astronomer" Plait will be joined by Connor Trinneer, Dominic Keating, John Billingsley and Anthony Montgomery as guests at the upcoming Star Trek: Mission New York. The latest additions, of course, respectively portrayed Trip Tucker, Malcolm Reed, Dr. Phlox and Travis Mayweather on Star Trek: Enterprise. They, along with all the other attending Trek talent, will be on hand for talks, autographs and photo opportunities. Also set to appear are The Black Tribbles, the popular quintet of sci-fi/comic book/pop culture experts/podcasters.
Star Trek: Mission New York, a three-day 50th anniversary event presented by CBS Consumer Products and ReedPop, will take place September 2-4, 2016, in Manhattan. Activities will include interactive exhibits, celebrity guests, panels, screenings, exclusive merchandise and more. Adult and kids tickets are available now at pre-show prices, and they'll be sold by day and as part of a three-day specially priced package.
Further information about Star Trek: Mission New York – including additional guest announcements, hotel information and exhibitors – will be revealed in the coming weeks.
Keep an eye on for ongoing coverage, and also be sure to visit and the Star Trek: Mission New York social media pages (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram).