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Tribble Slippers? Spock Oven Mitt? Bring 'em on!

Tribble Slippers? Spock Oven Mitt? Bring 'em on!

The folks at ThinkGeek really just might have topped themselves. Are you ready for this? Need we say more?... Tribble Slippers. Even better… the slippers make happy Tribble noises when you walk. Better still… batteries included. Better-better still (or is that better still-still?)… no Tribbles were harmed in the production of the slippers.

Additionally, and nearly as cool, ThinkGeek now has available a Spock Oven Mitt. Yes, a fully functional oven mitt with the Vulcan greeting symbol. It’s made of 100 percent cotton and filled with 100 percent polyester, making it practical, cool and another perfectly logical gift idea.

The Tribble Slippers sell for $24.99 a pair and are available by clicking HERE. And the Spock Oven Mitt sells for $14.99; click HERE to purchase.