Published May 12, 2014
Trekked-Out Boca Raton Estate For Sale
Trekked-Out Boca Raton Estate For Sale

We're assuming that Marc H. Bell, a financier and two-time Tony Award-winning producer of the plays Jersey Boys and August: Osage County, is a major Star Trek fan. Why do we assume this? Well, his Boca Raton, Florida, estate features a Star Trek-themed theater room (complete with Borg alcove) and a Star Trek: The Next Generation Enterprise bridge-themed theater (with TOS sound effects for the doors). In fact, the 27,000-square-foot estate -- which is currently South Palm Beach County's most expensive single-family home listing -- also boasts a Call of Duty-themed videogame room, a half-size college football field and a massive game room, not to mention a fully stocked wine cellar, a bar, a gym, a volleyball/basketball court, a library, eight bedrooms and 16 bathrooms.

Did we mention the asking price? It's all yours for just $35 million. Get the details at The Palm Beach Post.