Published May 27, 2016
Trek Mag #57 Features Pegg/Jung, Sirits, Picardo Interviews & More
Trek Mag #57 Features Pegg/Jung, Sirits, Picardo Interviews & More

Star Trek Magazine
Issue #57 is in stores now, and here are 10 features to look out for...STAR TREK BEYOND EXCLUSIVE PREVIEWGet a head start on this summer’s biggest sci-fi blockbuster with writers Simon Pegg (yes, that one) and Doug Jung, as they lift the lid on the hotly anticipated Star Trek sequel.HEALTH CHECKSuffering from space-sickness, or is it just the wait for the new Star Trek movie and TV series that’s getting to you? Issue 57 of The Official Star Trek Magazine will set you right, with its focus on Starfleet’s finest medics.PLEASE STATE THE NATURE OF YOUR MEDICAL EMERGENCYEverybody’s favorite Emergency Medical Hologram, Robert Picardo, proves he’s not any old Joe, and talks candidly about his time as Voyager’s irascible medic. WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT... KOR, KOLOTH AND KANGOnce again we’ve locked our panel of Star Trek superfans in secret holding cells across the Gamma Quadrant, until they’ve started talking – and this time it’s about the three classic Klingons that came back for more.TIME’S ARROWMedic meets medic meets hologram, in “Doctor Bashir, I Presume?” What could make a better DS9 episode than Julian Bashir meeting the EMH? A dash of genetic engineering and a double dose of Robert Picardo, as both the EMH and its creator, that’s what.THIS SIDE OF PARADISEWill humanity survive long enough to achieve Roddenberry’s future utopia? We take a look at the grim likelihood that it’s going to take a near extinction disaster to put humanity on the right track.SHE FEELS GREAT… PAIN!Empathically speaking, Deanna Troi’s skills as a counselor were kinda limited to a sympathetic nod, and a tendency to describe the obvious. Marina Sirtis, on the other hand, is a force of nature – and she gives a great interview. We caught up with her to find out what she really thought of that cake.MAKING SPACE MUSICDing… dong… dang… dong… Pah pah PAH, da da da da DAAAAHH. OK, so that may not be official music notation, but you recognized Alexander Courage’s immortal Star Trek theme straight away. This issue we explore the history and importance of music in every version of Star Trek.RECRUITMENT DRIVEYou know how it is. Temporal incursions by an alien intelligence from an alternate universe have been making your day job a real misery. Join Captain Ben Walker as he considers which 23rd Century captain would make for a perfect Temporal Agent, in exclusive original fiction from the creators of Star Trek Online.STAR TREK TIMELINESFancy building the prefect starship crew, and pitting them against an army of Star Trek bad guys? Game developers Disruptor Beam reveal how they crafted the addictive Star Trek mobile gaming app that you can’t put down.Plus, Star Trek Magazine has the latest Star Trek news, reviews and regular features that make the future a place to look forward to. Subscribe to Star Trek Magazine and save up to 20% on the cover price. Get the next 4 issues for only $31.99, saving you $8. To subscribe, visit www.TITANMAGAZINES.COM.