Published Jul 24, 2015
Trek Battle Replicas from Anovos
Trek Battle Replicas from Anovos

ANOVOS is best known for their Star Trek uniform replicas, but they also offer a variety of accessories and complementary products. And they'll soon introduce a half-dozen cool new products including phaser rifle replicas and phaser replicas, as well as a tricorder replica. has an exclusive First Look at the upcoming products:Star Trek DS9 Type III “Siege at AR-558” Variant Phaser Rifle -- This features LED indicators, flashlight, phaser emitter light, trigger, rechargeable battery and a carry strap. Internal component details are accessible via underside flip-down panel. Sound bytes, accurate to scene included. Price TBD.
Star Trek First Contact Picard Variant Phaser Rifle -- LED indicators, flashlight, phaser emitter light, trigger, rechargeable battery and a retractable carry strap are all components of this product. Also, it features removable modulation component, mirroring the one that Picard was working on in the film. Sound bytes, accurate to scene included. Price TBD.
Star Trek First Contact Version 2 Phaser Rifle -- This boasts a LED indicators, flashlight, phaser emitter light, trigger, rechargeable battery and a retractable carry strap Sound bytes, accurate to scene included. Price TBD.
Star Trek First Contact Type II Hand Phaser -- A functional LED indicator, push buttons, working phaser “trigger”, emitter light and a rechargeable battery are all included. Additionally, there's an internal energy coil detail between phaser emitter and panel. Sound bytes, accurate to scene included. Price TBD.
Star Trek Nemesis Type II Hand Phaser -- Push buttons, a functional LED indicator, working phaser “trigger,” emitter light and a rechargeable battery are all included Also featured is an internal energy coil detail between phaser emitter and panel. Sound bytes, accurate to scene included. Price TBD.
First Contact Tricorder Replica -- Available soon in both Science and Medical variants, this product features LCD screen, sound, functional buttons to change readouts, LED lights and a rechargeable battery. Science variant to include aluminum hand-scanner with lights and sound effects. Sound bytes, accurate to scene included. Price TBD.Keep an eye on for news about the availability of the products detailed above.
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