Published Feb 19, 2018
TNG Mirror Saga, Through the Mirror, Out in May
TNG Mirror Saga, Through the Mirror, Out in May

It’ll be back to the Mirror Universe for Captain Picard and the crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D in May, when IDW Publishing kicks off the five-week event comic-book series, Through the Mirror. Fans got their first introduction to TNG’s Mirror counterparts in the miniseries Mirror Broken, which was released last year. In the new saga, the Prime Universe crew of the U.S.S Enterprise-D will come face-to-face for the first time ever with their mirrored counterparts.
Through the Mirror is written by Trek and IDW veterans Scott Tipton and David Tipton, who together also wrote Mirror Broken. Through the Mirror will showcase a Who’s Who of talented artists set to rotate throughout the weekly event: Chris Johnson (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), Marcus To (Guardians of the Galaxy), Josh Hood (Star Trek: Waypoint), Carlos Nieto (The Simpsons) and Debora Carita (Dejah Thoris). Further, each issue will also feature a special backup story illustrated by Mirror Broken artist J.K. Woodward in his signature painted style, depicting how the Mirror Universe crew found their way to the Prime Universe and the ways in which Emperor Spock factors in to that. Woodward also provides connecting main covers for each issue along with cover art contributions from Peter McKinstry, Marc Laming, each of the previously named artists, plus photo variants.
“The one thing that's never been done in Star Trek's Mirror Universe tales is an all-out clash between universes,” Scott Tipton said in a statement. “The opportunity to set Picard against Picard was just too exciting to resist.” Added David Tipton, “While the previous Mirror Broken series introduced the TNG Mirror characters, this new series will give us not only a closer look at them, but also show them crossing over into the Prime Universe, leading up to an ultimate confrontation between the Enterprise crews.”
Star Trek: The Next Generation: Through the Mirror #1 will go on sale on May 2, 2018. Subsequent issues will drop each Wednesday in May.
For additional details, contact your local comic book retailer or visit to find a store near you. Keep an eye on for additional details about the IDW's upcoming Star Trek adventures, as well as exclusive First Looks at covers and preview pages.