Published Nov 18, 2012
The One Trek Show You'd Watch Forever Is...
The One Trek Show You'd Watch Forever Is...

If you could only watch one Star Trek series for the rest of your life… which would you choose? That was the latest question we asked for our weekly quiz and, of course, the options were The Original Series, The Next Generation, Deep Space Nine, Voyager and Enterprise. TNG won, which isn’t surprising in and of itself. Rather, the shocker was that TNG just obliterated the competition. The adventures of Picard and company sewed up 42% of the vote, crushing DS9 (19%), Voyager (17%), TOS (16%) and Enterprise (6%).
The Next Generation- 42%
Deep Space Nine- 19%
Voyager- 17%
The Original Series- 16%
Enterprise- 6%
So, were you as surprised as we were by TNG’s massive winning margin? Or that TOS finished behind both DS9 and Voyager? Let us know and, in the meantime, here’s what some of your fellow fans had to say about the matter in our comments section:“TNG is the best.” – Janet Gulbransen“Grew up loving The Original Series, it was 'must watch' on Wednesday nights when I had brownies, so could only see it in school holidays. To be perfectly honest, I find it funny now and would rather sit down with Jean-Luc, Data et al. I did like Voyager; that would be a close third, and the first series of DS9, but then it got difficult to follow if you didn't watch every week. Never got into Enterprise, though I have tried.” – Lis Radbon“There’s no contest. TNG hands down.” – Stephanie Darrow“DS9 is the best Star Trek show ever.” – Christian Hotz“TNG rules! Love it.” – Alfredo Samayoa“This is hard. Frankly, they're all part of one large series to me. On that encompasses an entire universe. But if someone was going to forcibly remove all but one series, I'd have to go with Voyager. I have TOS memorized, and have since childhood. And I just identify with Janeway more than any of the other captains.” – Penny Flake“The original , no other like it . Then Voyager.” – Paula Oliver Mann“TNG was better. BUT... TOS will always be our first.” – Joseph L. Halbeib“Voyager all the way home!!!” – Magdalena Das“TNG, of course.” – Andrew Martel“DS9 is so underrated.” – Dmitri Glover“TNG, baby!” – Margaret Tudor“TOS followed by DS9 and then Enterprise.” – Laura Bond-Harris“Loved them all except DS9, but right now I chose Enterprise.” – Ivan Axelson“Go TNG! Best Star Trek series, followed by Voyager and DS9.” – Jessica SingerAnd, tossing objectivity to the wind, we kind of have to agree with this last comment:“Not fair! TOS revelers are becoming fewer and fewer!” – Steve Greenfield