Published Jan 6, 2013
The Most Exciting Things In Trek For 2013 Are...
The Most Exciting Things In Trek For 2013 Are..., for our latest weekly poll, asked aside from the new movie, what are you most looking forward to in 2013? The options were Star Trek KRE-O Construction, Star Trek Video Game, Star Trek on Blu-ray, Conventions, and Star Trek Books. The results are in and the race was tight, with Star Trek on Blu-ray winning by just 11 votes over Star Trek Video Game. Rounding out the voting were Conventions at 15%, Star Trek Books at 14% and Star Trek KRE-O Construction at 8%.
Star Trek on Blu-ray: 31.9%
Video Game: 31.6%
Conventions: 15%
Books: 14%
KRE-O: 8%So, how did YOUR choice do?