Published Oct 28, 2015
The Mirror Universe in Star Trek Timelines
The Mirror Universe in Star Trek Timelines

It’s impossible to create a Star Trek game containing every series without also including the infamous parallel universe, known and loved by fans as the Mirror Universe.Spock himself described the people of this reality as, “brutal, savage, unprincipled, uncivilized, treacherous..." And when you play Star Trek Timelines and encounter the darker counterparts of many beloved characters, those traits will be front and center: from character poses and expressions to their very words and actions in-game. More importantly, and something to consider while looking over these crew cards, when Mirror Spock or Mirror Regent Worf make their galactic plays for the Terran Empire and Klingon-Cardassian Alliance respectively, which side will you support?
Coming to iOS, Android, and the Web, Star Trek Timelines merges the characters, stories, and settings from TOS, TNG, DS9, VOY, and ENT. Gather your favorite heroes and even villains to build your ideal crew, explore the galaxy, and be captain of your own destiny. You can follow us on Facebook and Twitter.