Published Jan 4, 2013
The Drex Files: DS9 -- A Day In The Life, Part II
The Drex Files: DS9 -- A Day In The Life, Part II

In part two of his latest The Drex Files guest blog, Doug Drexler uses words and pictures to beam Trek fans back 20 years, to 1993, for an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine set. If you missed part one, please click HERE.
Mike thought about it for barely a second, whipped out his check and signed it over to me! Mike had me slack-jawed! Dude! You weren’t supposed to do that! Mike looked at me inquiringly… well? Butt in cake, please!
Image 10 - Mike called my bluff! Awwww… ya got me! I can’t believe you did that! What if I had gone through with it? Mike grinned. I would have given the check to you! An Okuda has never lived who welched on a deal! And with that he handed me the check. See amount.
Wow, that was a little trippy re-reading that after call these years. Got a little ferklempt there! No wonder! I LOVED my time on Deep Space Nine. Even though I had been in the business for about 13 years by then, DS9 felt like a coming of age story for me. It was there that I realized that Hollywood was my oyster. The store was wide open, and I didn't have to settle for only being a makeup artist. The potential for working in this town is huge. But you know, it probably couldn't have happened anywhere else but Star Trek. It's because of that extraordinary family of friends that developed right there on Melrose Avenue that I lived the opportunity of a life time! Doug DrexlerNorth Hollywood, Ca.
About Doug Drexler
A lifelong Star Trek fan, Doug Drexler made a variety of marks on the franchise as makeup artist, graphic designer, illustrator, and visual effects artist. Over his 32-year-career in Hollywood, science fiction, fantasy, and especially Star Trek, have defined Doug's career. A protege of makeup legend Dick Smith, Doug went on to become a creative mainstay on Trek for 17 years, designing such shows as TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise. His Trek career culminated as the primary designer of the Enterprise NX. Drex, as everyone calls him, has written Trek books, made cameo appearances on TNG and Enterprise, and has even had a Trek character named after him: on DS9, the Klingon son of Martok and Sirella was named... Drex. Post-Trek, Doug has worked as CG supervisor on several iterations of Battlestar Galactica, including the upcoming Blood and Chrome and Defiance. Click HERE to visit Drexler's office blog, Drex Files. Drex is an American and British Academy Award winner, two-time Emmy winner (seven nominations), Saturn Award winner, Peabody Award recipient, and Visual Effects Society Award winner.