Published May 5, 2015
Thank You, Grace Lee Whitney... by Kevin Dilmore
Thank You, Grace Lee Whitney... by Kevin Dilmore

By the spring of 1978, I had been a Star Trek fan about five years. Having cut my teeth on the animated Star Trek series during its first run in 1973, I had at that point graduated to syndicated reruns of The Original Series as well as the prose volumes of script adaptions by James Blish and Alan Dean Foster. I eagerly grabbed up anything relating to the show I could find —posters, magazines, Mego dolls (pardon me, action figures) — treasures usually uncovered on shopping excursions outside of my central Kansas hometown of 6,000 people.So, it’s not hard imagine how I responded to the news that an actual Star Trek convention, just like the ones I had read about in Starlog magazine, was planned only 90 miles away that very weekend. Yeah, I pretty much flipped out.
As a journalist for more than 25 years, KEVIN DILMORE has contributed to publications including the Village Voice, Amazing Stories, Hallmark and Star Trek Communicator magazines as well as web sites including and Star Kevin has teamed with author Dayton Ward for 15 years on novels, shorter fiction and other writings chiefly within the Star Trek universe, including their latest novel in the Star Trek: Seekers series, All That’s Left, to be published by Pocket Books this fall.