Published Sep 11, 2012
Tampa Bay Rays To Hold Star Trek Night On Sept. 20
Tampa Bay Rays To Hold Star Trek Night On Sept. 20

Now, let’s be clear: we’re not taking sides, but we like the way the Tampa Bay Rays are promoting their upcoming Star Trek Night. On September 20, they’ve announced, “the Rays will host the Klingons, aka the Boston Red Sox.” Trek/Rays fans can purchase a specially priced $29 ticket (usually $46) that includes a press level seat and a super-cool blue t-shirt with the phrase “Resistance Is Futile” and the image of a Borg-ifed Joe Madden, the Rays’ manager.Fans who buy a Star Trek Night ticket can pick up their shirt behind Section 211, near their seats. The Rays are inviting fans to sport their finest Trek attire and they’ll have Klingons, Starfleet officers and more on hand for photo opportunities in the press level area during the game. Tickets are available now and must be bought by September 17. Click HERE to purchase, and be sure to enter the password SPOCK1 for the special offer.