Published Jul 16, 2012
STO Update, Season Six: Under Siege, Now Live
STO Update, Season Six: Under Siege, Now Live

Star Trek Online Season 6: Under Siege, the latest major update toStar Trek Online, is live now from Perfect World Entertainment. Players (Fleet members) can construct starbases, level-up and/or defend their own starbase using the just-introduced Fleet (Guild) Advancement System. Further, with the free-to-play MMO’s first major update since launch, players can access new Fleet events, challenges and social experiences, as well as additional end-game content for max-level Fleet members.
Among the highlights and major features of Star Trek Online Season 6: Under Siege, according to Star Trek Online/Cryptic Studios, are:
• Fleet (Guild) Advancement System
Fleets construct their own Fleet Holdings with Starbases. Fleet Officers assign specific Fleet Projects for members to carry out in order to build their Starbase and master three specialization tracks: Military, Engineering, and Science.
Fleets can also improve Starbase specialization through five tiers of design, unlocking new Fleet Projects to earn more Fleet experience points and rewards. Functionality items to Starbases include Transwarp gates that allow for rapid access to different sectors.
• Fleet Starbase Defense Missions
New missions and events that call upon Fleets to defend their Starbases include a five-man Starbase Alert, two five-man Fleet Sorties, and a 20-man Fleet Action. Some of these will be available at all ranks, while others will only be available to Vice Admirals (Federation Faction) and Lieutenant Generals (Klingon Faction).
• Foundry Updates
New features to the Foundry, Star Trek Online's popular user-content creation tool, include an improved user interface, which makes it easier for players to identify items prior to map placement.
Players will also be able to find additional items such as vivid backdrops, as well as new ground and space maps in the content library.
• Fleet Rewards
Unlock the new Starbase Exterior and Interior options as your Fleet advances in the aggregate Starbase track. In the other tracks, stores that sell ultra-rare Fleet Rewards, such as new high-end gear, starships, costumes, materials and various tactical assets, can be unlocked.
• Fleet UI Redesign
Expect a new Fleet Home Page and Fleet Holdings Page, which has been created to provide information on Fleet Status, Projects and Contribution Leaderboards.
• New Max-Level Content
New missions, events, challenges, and end-game content designed specifically for max level players are also included in Season 6: Under Siege. Try "No Win Scenario", the five-man space challenge, or "Colony Rescue", the five-man ground challenge.
"Our primary focus with Season 6 is to have fleets become a more central and fundamental part of the Star Trek Online experience," Dan Stahl, executive producer of Star Trek Online, Cryptic Studios, said. “Fleets may now work to improve their Starbase category, unlocking additional functionality and increasing the size and grandeur of the Starbase itself."
Click HERE for additional information about Star Trek Online Season 6: Under Siege and to download/play Star Trek Online. And keep an eye on for news about Star Trek Online and also for frequent entries in the STO Season 6 News Dev Blog series.