Published Mar 29, 2013
STO Guest Blog: March Embassy Featured Project
STO Guest Blog: March Embassy Featured Project

With the launch of Season 7, fleets gained the opportunity to court the colonists of New Romulus by establishing an Embassy outpost. Similar to Fleet Starbases, from time to time, special projects will become available for fleet’s Embassies. Completion of these special projects will unlock new features to give your embassy more customization and added aesthetics that are akin to the surroundings of New Romulus and its people. Be quick, though – when a special project becomes available, it will only be around for a limited time; you must start the project before the end of the feature. Once you’ve started the project, you can keep working on it until it’s finished, even if the special event ends. As with Starbases, you can only work on one special project at a time, so act fast!