Our next special feature is “High Security.” As Federation and Klingon fleet starbases have been expanding in size and capability, new security measures have become necessary. To ensure the safety of residents and visitors on these bases from enemies who threaten either up-front hostile takeovers or more subversive tactics like sabotage, additional ground security teams have been requested.
Upon completion of this special project, your starbase’s interior will see increased population. Klingons will staff up with elite warriors, while members of Starfleet will enlist starbase guards. This special project launched at 10AM PDT on September 20, 2012 and will be available until around 10AM PDT on October 4, 2012.
Keep checking back to see what’s next on the special project list! We hope you are enjoying Season 6: Under Siege and we’ll see you in-game.
Scott “Goatshark” ShicoffLead Content DesignerStar Trek Online