Published May 28, 2012
Star Trek: The Exhibition Opens In Orlando
Star Trek: The Exhibition Opens In Orlando

Star Trek: The Exhibition has a new home. The interactive, museum-style collection of Star Trek artifacts and information has opened in Orlando, Florida, at the venue 7220
Fans who missed The Exhibition in St. Louis, Louisville, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Detroit, Hollywood, Riverside and more, will welcome the rare opportunity to check out the largest collection of authentic Star Trek artifacts and information ever put on public display. The array of must-see exhibits, spread across 10,000 square feet, includes sets, props, costumes, etc., culled from the five live-action Trek series, plus 10 films, including Star Trek (2009). More specifically, Star Trek lovers can see the life-sized ship model of the scorpion from Star Trek Nemesis, a Borg head, communicators, ship models, a Trek timeline and more, including… Kirk’s chair.
For additional information, click HERE.