Published Dec 9, 2020
Star Trek Online Welcomes You to Q's Winter Wonderland
Make it so, make it so, make it so!
Are you looking for the hottest – or should I say coolest – Holiday Destination? Well, look no further, my friends. I have found the best kept secret in all four quadrants. There is one place to spend whatever winter Holiday you might celebrate, from Hanukkah to the Peldor Festival. It’s called Q’s Winter Wonderland, and it’s a short hop from anywhere in the galaxy.
Star Trek Online Welcomes You to Q's Winter Wonderland
Now, who is the Q, you might ask? According to my sources, Q is a benevolent, extradimensional being who just wants us all to be happy! Isn’t that wonderful? I did ask him, during our interview, whether he had any ulterior motives for throwing a celebration of this magnitude for absolutely free, and he said he doesn’t! And honestly, who doesn’t trust that face?
Q tells me his Winter Wonderland is full of amazing sights and wonderful winter activities. There are snowball fights, traditional Klingon Ice Fishing, ice skating, and more. There’s even a sentient race of gingerbread people, created just to add to the magic and whimsy. Q says they live an idyllic life of peace and happiness. What could be more charming?
But don’t take my word for it. We’ve sent one of our best travel reporters to the scene to tell you more about the event. And we’re expecting to hear back from him soon. He just hasn’t come back – must be having too much fun in this wintery paradise! After I submit this little preview article, I’m going to head to the Wonderland myself, so look for one of us to give you a full report very soon.
Of course, if you can’t wait that long, Q is waiting to send you to the Winter Wonderland right now. You can find him on Earth Space Dock, Qonos’ and the Romulan Republic Fleet. Just look for the immaculately dressed man in the giant stone throne, just floating in the air! He’ll be happy to whisk you away to your new Winter Paradise. Just take my word for it – don’t challenge his power. I’ve been a Targ for a week.And hurry! The Winter Wonderland will only be available from the Earth Calendar days of December 8th to January 7th!
Star Trek Online is a free-to-play massively multiplayer online game that allows players to explore the Star Trek universe from within. Players can forge their own destiny as Captain of a Federation starship, champion the Empire through the far reaches of the galaxy as a Klingon Warrior, rebuild the Romulan legacy as the commander of a Romulan Republic Warbird or carry out daring missions on behalf of the Dominion as a Jem’Hadar soldier. Captains can also explore iconic locations from the Star Trek universe, make contact with new alien species and battle alongside other players in customizable starships. Star Trek Online is currently available on PC, PlayStation®4 and Xbox One.
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