Published Jan 10, 2016
Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 22 -- R.I.S. PI Preview
Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 22 -- R.I.S. PI Preview

WizKids/NECA will release Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 22 later this month and has the exclusive First Look at the ships in the upcoming expansion packs, concluding with the R.I.S. PI.The R.I.S. PI is a Romulan Scout Vessel. This small vessel entered Federation Space on a Covert Mission with a crew of only two passengers. During the mission, the Pi crashed on the planet Galorndon Core. Rather than allowing the ship to be captured, Centurion Bochra destroyed the ship, leaving them stranded on the planet. The R.I.S. PI gains one shield and a Crew Upgrade slot compared to a generic Romulan Scout Vessel. As a special ability, the Pi may perform a Scan Action as a free action. If you do so, you must place an Auxiliary Power Token beside the ship. The Captain of the Pi is Bochra, who complements his ships special ability. If Bochra is assigned as the captain of a Romulan Science Vessel, if there is a Scan Token beside your ship, during the combat phase roll +1 attack die and +1 defense die.