Published Aug 4, 2012
Star Trek 22kt Gold Card Collection Now Available
Star Trek 22kt Gold Card Collection Now Available

The Danbury Mint continues to venture to the final frontier with its Star Trek Gold Card Collection, 60 22kt paper-backed gold-foil trading cards that feature characters and vessels from the various Star Trek TV series and films from TOS through to Star Trek 2009. Figures included in the Star Trek Gold Card Collection are Captain Kirk, Commander Spock, Khan, Uhura, Troi, Captain Sisko, Captain Janeway, Seven of Nine, Captain Archer and T’Pol, as well as the newly added Young Kirk, Young Spock and Nero.
Fans are invited to sample the Collection by ordering a free Commander Spock Gold Card, paying only a modest shipping and service fee. The Commander Spock Gold Card is a $12.95 value, and there’s no obligation to purchase additional cards. The Danbury Mint is also offering a free Deluxe Collector’s Album in which to house, protect and display your cards.
All of the cards are in stock now and ready to order. Click HERE to purchase your Commander Spock Gold Card.