It was jam-packed at Spock Days in Vulcan on Saturday. Over 3,000 fans flocked to the town dubbed the Star Trek Capital of Canada to take in the activities and to welcome six special guests including Walter Koenig, Arlene Martel, Garrett Wang, Connor Trinneer, Crystal Allen and John Paladin.
This event marks the 20th anniversary of Spock Days in Vulcan and is a vital component to promoting the history of the agricultural town and its status as an international sci-fi destination. Moms, dads, kids, teens and seniors flocked the streets to take in the full Star Trek experience. The town got into the action by hosting several events, including a slo-pitch tournament, pancake breakfast, family fun fair, barbeque, walking tour and a parade.
The morning started with an exclusive champagne breakfast with approximately 40 attendees. A chef-prepared menu set the tone for the intimate setting. Each guest dined with a table of fans, and the casual atmosphere sparked friendly conversations.

Klingon Fear Factor was a major attraction. In it, contestants were challenged with several tests of strength and agility, paying homage to the strength and character of the Klingon race. Heart of Targ and moQbara we're just a snippet of the fun the game shared.

The dealer's room was hopping with over five times the number of tables of Star Trek and sci-fi memorabilia than in previous years. Sold-out autograph and photo sessions contributed to the day's success.

To read a recaps of Day 1's events at Spock Days, click HERE. And be sure to visit StarTrek.com again tomorrow for a recap of Sunday's events.