Published Mar 19, 2015
Spock Block in Encinitas
Spock Block in Encinitas

Part of Vulcan Avenue in Encinitas, California, is about to become Spock Block in honor of the late Star Trek legend Leonard Nimoy and what would have been his 84th birthday on March 26. Councilman Tony Kranz sported pointy ears when he presented the naming proposal to the council last night at City Hall. The council unanimously approved the proposal, and the council item read, “Creativity and having fun would be the main objective, something that would have appealed to the human side of Mr. Spock.” And so the temporary Spock Block signage will go up on March 26 and come down on April 1, and it will cover the Civic Area, a full downtown city block encompassing the Encinitas Library and City Hall.
A fascinating fact: According to The San Diego Union-Tribune, "Vulcan Avenue isn’t actually named for Spock’s home planet of Vulcan. The street is one of many early Leucadia area roadways named for gods and goddesses. Vulcan was the Roman god of fire and metal, and the inspiration for the English word 'volcano.'”
If all goes according to plan, the Encinitas Library will display science-fiction books and Mayor Kristin Gaspar will read the Spock Block proclamation aloud to Star Trek fans on Nimoy's birthday. The Union-Tribune reported that Mayor Gaspar told Councilman Kranz that she owns a Star Trek costume and "might be willing to wear it if she’s encouraged to do so."
The Spock Block festivities and week of signage could spur visits from tourists, thus resulting in Spock Block becoming an annual event. Kranz didn't want to venture too far into the future, telling the Union-Tribune, "Let's see how this one goes."