Published Jun 15, 2012
Spiner Set For Warehouse 13
Spiner Set For Warehouse 13

Someone over at Warehouse 13 is a major-major Star Trek fan. Not only is series regular Saul Rubinek a one-time guest star on TNG, but Star Trek regulars and guests who’ve graced the popular Syfy show include Kate Mulgrew, Rene Auberjonois, Jeri Ryan, Faran Tahir and Mark Sheppard. Now, to that list, add Brent Spiner, TNG’s iconic Data.

Star Trek fans will recall that Spiner and Rubinek faced off two decades ago in the TNG episode “The Most Toys.” Their reunion on Warehouse 13 will be ongoing, as Spiner is set to appear in at least six episodes of the show’s fourth season, which will kick off on July 23. According to executive producer Jack Kenny, via an interview with TV Guide, the show will pick up in the aftermath of the third-season finale, which saw several major characters perish and the warehouse destroyed.
"Artie (Rubinek) and the gang are on a mission to pull their lives back together and Brother Adrian is a major obstacle to that," Kenny said. One of the objects that Brother Adrian seeks to protect is needed by Artie to “make everything right again.” However, Kenny added, "The use of this object will unleash an incredible evil and Brother Adrian is not about to see that happen. He heads a sect that is powerful and obsessively devoted and follows no rules. The Brotherhood will do anything to achieve its goals. They are gifted fighters who are willing to go to their deaths, if necessary."