Published Sep 22, 2014
SNEAK PEEK: Star Trek Magazine Special 2015
SNEAK PEEK: Star Trek Magazine Special 2015

Star Trek: The Official Magazine, on the heels of its 50th issue celebrating everything Star Trek, is gearing up for Star Trek Magazine Special 2015, a stuffed special edition that will span every facet of the enduring franchise. We have a sneak peek at the colorful cover, and inside, fans can expect interviews with Star Trek (2009) and Star Trek Into Darkness actors Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Karl Urban and Bruce Greenwood, as well as Trek TV stars Gates McFadden, Denise Crosby and Rene Auberjonois. The special will also go behind the scenes of both Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Star Trek Into Darkness, dissect what makes Kirk the perfect captain, and examine what happens “When Cultures Collide.”
Star Trek Magazine Special 2015 will be available soon for pre-order at www.titanmagazines. And keep an eye on for news about upcoming issues of Star Trek: The Official Magazine.