Star Trek Magazine, Issue #28, arrives in stores and in digital form on August 10th, and StarTrek.com has an exclusive preview; check out the accompanying photos and, below, some story excerpts.
Meanwhile, we can also give you more of a hint about what’s inside – an interview with Barney Burman, Oscar-winning makeup designer of J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek film; a first-person feature by longtime Star Trek collectibles expert Alec Peters; a preview of Abrams Books’ upcoming coffee table tome Star Trek 365; and looks at both Star Trek: Season Two and Star Trek Live.
For more information, visit http://titanmagazines.com/app?service=external/Product&sp=l640.
An extract from an interview with the makeup designer of the 2009 film, Barney Burman.
Burman's original plan was to create a distinctive look for the Romulans himself. "We had a 13-week build time for the aliens, because we thought most of our aliens were going to shoot at the end of production,." he explains. However when the script was changed a couple of weeks before shooting started, and a bar scene on Delta Vega populated with different creatures was written out of the movie, the schedule was altered.
"That scene just became the one alien, Deep Roy as Keenser. All of those other aliens that we were going to do had to be made sooner and peppered throughout the film, so our time got cut down even more drastically," he groans. "On average, we had about three weeks to do an alien from nothing to test day and then one week to do any tweaking, if needed."
Since Vulcans and Romulans share a common genetic heritage and therefore both have slanted eyebrows and pointy ears, Burman used other ways to differentiate them. "Nero and the other Romulans were miners, so they were bald to keep their hair from getting dirty as they worked," he explains. "I did some early designs for the Romulans in my shop, but when my workload became too heavy, I hired Joel Harlow to come in and handle them. We all decided it would be best if Joel took over the task of creating the Romulans on set close to J.J. so he could see and direct their progress each day. We set up a makeup trailer for the Romulans, and Joel hired a crew of people to work on that and just did a fantastic job."
On August 8, Propworx Inc will auction a vast array of Star Trek props at the Las Vegas Hilton. In this extract from Star Trek Magazine #28, the founder of Propworx and Star Trek collector Alec Peters reveals how the auction came about…
Three years ago I was approached by Star Trek Art Director Doug Drexler, who worked on TNG, DS9 and Enterprise for 17 years. He had amassed a good-sized collection of props and wanted to sell them. Once I started Propworx, it made sense to do a Star Trek auction and I soon found myself talking with Denise and Mike Okuda as well as Rick Sternbach. They all had lots of items they wanted to sell and they loved the idea of doing a great catalog to highlight what they had. We’ve also interviewed each of them about their careers with Star Trek.
Then I spoke to John Van Citters from CBS Consumer Products, who handles licensing for Star Trek, about selling the assets of Star Trek: The Experience, which had been in storage in a warehouse since the attraction closed after its successful 10 year run at the Las Vegas Hilton. We held a warehouse sale for a lot of the items, but saved the best for the auction. This includes a complete bridge set from the Enterprise-D Bridge as well as signs from every attraction on the Promenade including two Quark’s Bar signs. There are really some great pieces of history from Star Trek: The Experience in the auction.
We are all Star Trek fans at Propworx, so the whole auction is a real labor of love. We had a blast designing the catalog. We took design cues from each show for the relevant section and we were able to spread the items out and take whole pages for single items. There are bigger photographs for important items, or more images showing off items from different angles. Fans can download the catalog for free or order one of the collectible hardcover catalogs on our website, http://www.propworx.com.