He’s back. There’s just no keeping the irrepressible William Shatner – or his Priceline Negotiator -- down. Even though Shatner’s once-ubiquitous Negotiator character seemed to perish earlier this year in a fiery explosion after heroically saving a tourist-filled bus, he’s apparently been living the life of... a surfer dude. Approached by a Priceline agent, the Negotiator touts the benefits of Priceline and acknowledges that he “still has it” and “will always have it.” Asked if he’ll resume his role as pitchman, the Negotiator, surfboard tucked under his arm, replies “We’ll see where the waves take me” and darts off toward the waves shouting, “Sayonara, brah!”
We chuckled. How about you? And do you think the Negotiator was stuck in the Nexus with Captain Kirk?