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Shatner Beaming Down to Comic Con

Shatner Beaming Down to Comic Con

Captain Kirk himself, William Shatner, will join the festivities at San Diego Comic Con by appearing opening day -- Thursday, July 9 -- to read excerpts from The Autobiography of James T. Kirk.

As previously reported at, The Autobiography of James T. Kirk

is an in-world memoir chronicles the greatest Starfleet captain's life, from his boyhood on an Iowa farm and his youth spent on Tarsus IV, to his time in Starfleet Academy, his meteoric rise through the ranks of Starfleet and his illustrious career at the helm of the Enterprise. David Goodman, the book's author, will moderate.Advance copies of the book will be available at the Titan booth (#5537). Keep an eye on for times and additional details.


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