Published Mar 28, 2015
Satan's Satellites... 57 Years Later
Satan's Satellites... 57 Years Later

Satan's Satellites opened on this day in 1958? Satan's what, you ask? Never heard of it? Maybe you know it better as Zombies of the Stratosphere, one of Leonard Nimoy's earliest credits. Here's what happened: Back in 1952, Republic Pictures launched their 12-part sci-fi serial starring Judd Holdren, Aline Towne, Wilson Wood, Lane Bradford, John Crawford, Craig Kelly, Ray Boyle and a very young Leonard Nimoy. The future Star Trek legend played Narab, one of a group of Martians that has invaded Earth and intends to make a hydrogen bomb in order to save their own planet (it's a long story). Fortunately, Larry Martin/Rocket Man (Holdren) saves the day.
Zombies of the Stratosphere
Satan's Satellites
Zombies of the Stratosphere/Satan's Satellites, The Brain Eaters, The Twlight Zone, The Outer Limits, Star Trek
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Pagemaster, Brave New World, Futurama, Fringe, Transformers: Dark of the Moon
Zombies of the Stratosphere