Published Jan 22, 2016
Saldana, Pine & Urban Talk Beyond with Entertainment Tonight
Saldana, Pine & Urban Talk Beyond with Entertainment Tonight

Zoe Saldana, Chris Pine and Karl Urban spoke to Entertainment Tonight a bit about what fans can expect to see in Star Trek Beyond. The actors, interviewed for a set visit segment that ran the other night, noted that Beyond will pay tribute to the franchise's 50th anniversary, starting with the Star Trek: The Original Series-esque uniforms that will be on view in the upcoming big-screen adventure. Urban called the uniforms "retro," while Pine went on to describe the entire film as having a "throwback flavor."Pine then addressed the fact that Beyond will be the first Trek film since the passing of Leonard Nimoy, the franchise's iconic Spock, last February. He noted that Nimoy's "spirit has infused this incarnation from the beginning, from the first film, and we miss him dearly."
Star Trek Beyond will open on July 22.