Published Jan 13, 2013
S.S. Botany Bay Print Available Now From Bye Bye Robot
S.S. Botany Bay Print Available Now From Bye Bye Robot

Bye Bye Robot’s latest example of fine art from the future is “S.S. Botany Bay,” a brand-new print by respected illustrator, book-cover artist and cartoonist Mark Brayer. His depiction of Khan’s ship, as seen in the TOS episode “Space Seed,” is the first in a fresh series of ship renderings by Brayer, and it features a retro design with detailed line-work and vibrant colors, along with hints of things to come for the S.S. Botany Bay and her crew.
“Working with Mark and the new series of prints is awesome,” Chris Wood, Co-Founder of Bye Bye Robot, said in a statement. “His unique draftsman-type style is perfect for the vintage ships, and the anticipation of the other posters in the new series is palpable.”“S.S. Botany Bay” is printed on heavyweight, acid-free coverstock, measures 16"x24" and is available now for $25 plus shipping. Click HERE to purchase from