Published Aug 9, 2015
Remembering Terrence Evans, 1934-2015
Remembering Terrence Evans, 1934-2015 is saddened to report the passing of veteran actor -- and 3-time Star Trek guest star -- Terrence Evans, who died on August 7 in Los Angeles at the age of 81. Among his many film and television credits were The Incredible Hulk, The Greatest American Hero, Hill Street Blues, Pale Rider, Quantum Leap, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, ER, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2003 remake), Cold Case and Las Vegas. On the stage, he'd performed in such shows as Bus Stop, The Seagull, Three Penny Opera and South Pacific. Evans ventured to the Star Trek universe to play Baltrim, the mute Bajoran farmer, in the DS9 episode "Progress," and Proka Migdal, the Bajoran who adopted a Cardassian war orphan, in "Cardassians." He also appeared as the Kradin ambassador, Treen, in the Voyager hour "Nemesis."

He is survived by his wife, Heidi, two children, two stepchildren and one grandson. Please join in offering our condolences to Evans' family, friends and fans.