Published Jul 29, 2015
Quinto & Urban Have a Message For You
Quinto & Urban Have a Message For You

First it was the entire Star Trek Beyond cast introducing the Star Trek: To Boldly Go initiative that will result not only in one lucky Trek fan winning a walk-on role, but also in nine global causes -- chosen personally by the cast -- receiving equal portions of the funds raised by the campaign. Then it was Simon Pegg and Anton Yelchin urging fans to beam up for the contest. And now we've got a video of Zachary Quinto and Karl Urban highlighting the fact that the incredible experience is something that the winners will be able to share with a friend of their choosing. As previously reported, the Star Trek Beyond cast, Bad Robot, Paramount Pictures and Omaze are behind Star Trek: To Boldly Go. Each $10 contribution made through the Omaze fundraising platform makes the participant eligible to win the walk-on role. The walk-on role is actually the grand prize, which also includes a flight to Vancouver, Canada, hotel, a chance to meet the cast during filming and being transformed into a Star Trek character by the Star Trek Beyond hair, makeup and costume teams. Six additional winners will form the honorary Star Trek: To Boldy Go Crew, and they'll win a trip to Vancouver as well as the opportunity to meet the crew and observe filming.Go to to participate.
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