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Quinto Calls Star Trek Sequel "Bigger And Bolder"

Quinto Calls Star Trek Sequel "Bigger And Bolder"

Zachary Quinto is back in action as Spock, as filming on the Star Trek sequel is underway, and the actor describes the follow-up as “bigger and bolder, and, I think, in some ways more dynamic” than Star Trek (2009). Speaking to Popcornbiz at, Quinto added, “It's so exciting to be back. And the first time there was a writer's strike when we were shooting the movie, so nothing was able to be changed – the script was locked. And this time Bob (Orci) and Alex (Kurtzman) and Damon (Lindelof) and J.J. (Abrams) are really getting in and working on the story and sort of allowing it to expand and evolve – and bringing us into the process. So there's a real collaboration that wasn't even legally permitted the first time that I feel really grateful for. We're having a really great time.”

Since the first Star Trek adventure, Quinto has ventured into a wide variety of projects and roles about as far removed as possible from Star Trek and Spock. However, he explained that his acting-producing work on Margin Call and recurring role on American Horror Story were not necessarily efforts to avoid being perceived solely as everyone’s favorite pointy-eared Vulcan. “It's just been enormously gratifying,” he said. “I started this production company. Our first feature out of the gate (Margin Call) was an incredible experience to work on as an actor and a producer. And to work with all these other amazing actors was so fulfilling to me. I wasn't really consciously trying to get away from the Star Trek experience. I'm really thrilled to have that, as well. But, yeah, I just want to keep things diverse and keep people surprised. And defy my own expectations, as well as other people's. That's my plan.”

To read the full story, click HERE. And keep an eye on for ongoing news about the Star Trek sequel.